CTA's Committees

Interested in joining one of our committees. Please sign up here

CTA’S Committees Need Your Skills

We are all multi-talented and have much more to give than just at tax time.  The CTA Board needs your help with out of season work.   Not only will you help us, but also have a chance to develop your own skills in other areas.

VOLUNTEER ADMINISTRATION: Recruiting, maintenance of volunteer list, recording of hours of service and checking, and distributing CPE credit letters.

PUBLICITY:  Client recruitment; Current volunteers (Newsletter: write articles, solicit articles, prepare newsletter, the Storefront Accountant), contact other committees to assess their publicity needs. Maintain website.

FUND RAISING:  Grant investigation and preparation; registration with Network for Good; publicize need for funds; solicit donations directly.

TRAINING: Find and confirm locations and dates, prepare training schedule, secure trainers, prepare and reproduce training materials.

PHONE MESSAGES: Retrieve messages from answering service and respond or redirect to someone who will know the answer.

TECHNOLOGY: Maintain and update the CTA website.

SOCIAL MEDIA: Responsibilities including updating our Facebook and LinkedIn pages with relevant tax-related news for our clients and general updates about CTA. 

VIRTUAL: Establishes the criteria for online tax preparation service.

If you are interested in any of the committees listed above,
please sign up here  or send an email to

Please add subject: "Volunteer" to your email. Thanks.