Board Meetings

Board Meetings

Board Meetings are held monthly from August-January and May-June.  All decisions regarding the activities of CTA are made at these meetings.   ALL VOLUNTEERS  ARE INVITED TO ATTEND. Non-volunteers who would like to attend should contact the

If you are not on our Board meeting notification list and wish to attend, please send your name to Tomer Chen ( so that your name can be added to the attendance list for security at the entrance.  You will then be added to the meeting notice list containing all of the details.

Meetings are usually held on the mid-west side of Manhattan and begin at 6:15 PM .  For those who cannot attend in person, phone in connection information is sent with the meeting announcement.

In general the agenda is as follows with special issues added as needed.  

Sample Agenda for CTA Board of Directors Meeting  

1. Minutes of last meeting

2. Committee Reports

3. Recruiting Volunteers

4. Training

5. New Tax Rules we are currently aware of

6. Any other business